Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tango Routine

Totally 5 phrases and 40 bars.with 31-33 bar per minute, it takes 72-77 seconds to finish the routine then repeat.
Start from PP toward DW at the beginning of short wall.

Phrase I: (Fallaway whisk from PP, chase,  progressive link to PP, skater lock, fallaway slip pivot, V cross, telespin, reverse pivot)
1. Natrual promenade turn: (1234, SQQ) (PP toward DW)
2. fall away whisk  (2234) (QQQQ)
3. hesitation 32 (S)
4. chase(&34), (&QQ)
5. chasse to right (4&2) (Q&Q)
6. Progressive link to PP (34) (QQ) (starting long wall)
7. Skater lock (5234&) (SQQ)8. fall away slip pivot (6234) (QQQQ) (going toward DC, not LOD)
9. half V cross (72&) (QQ&) (Question: direction down LOD now?)
10. half telespin? (34&) (QQ&)
11. reverse pivot (8234)
Phrase II: (Spanish Drag, same foot lounge, 5 steps, kick ball change, chase)
12. Spanish Drag, (1234, start to rise on 34) (SS)
13. same foot lounge (2234, continue to rise on 22, change to same foot lounge on 34) (SS)
14. 5 step ending PP (&3234&42) (&QQS&S) Question: check the timing in 14 and 15.   alternative timing? do we need to do &3234, or 3&234 (Note on 5/3/2012: This was changed to &32&34, i.e. &S&QQ, at the end of 4, two feet closed, in close position, weight on left foot, 42 is open to PP)
16.  slowly move from PP position to whisk (34) (S)
17. & kick ball change, & PP (&5&2&34): first & --  (&: weight on left foot, 5&2: kick ball change: &: weight on left foot)  (&Q&Q&S)
18. two walks from PP (6234)(SS)
19. chase, then chasse to right (&723&4)(&QQQ&Q)
20. back rock, close, same foot lounge, (8234) (QQS)
Phrase III: (Swivel, reverse turn)
21 swivel on left foot, swivel on right foot (1234)
22. kick flick left foot. (22)
23. go around (&34) (&QQ)
24. reverse turn. (3234)(QQS)
25. three more walks forward, close to right foot (&4234)(&QQS): close on risen foot, weight on left foot., shape left, hold the slow 
26. turn to PP, small step (R) step(L), point(R), place(R), step(L), step(R). (&52&34) (&QQ&Q)
27. outside spin: two small? forward step, close left foot to right and turn on right foot, change weight to left, step out right foot(6234) (QQQQ)
28. lounge roll, (72) (QQ)
29. stop lock, hold (3&482)
30. Recovery(&) V cross (34&)
Phrase IV: 
31. fall away slip pivot (1234)
32. Reverse outside swivels, (timing? QQS? 2234?  not clear
33. big top. (32&?) not clear on timing,
34. V cross32 (QQ& 34&)
35. Left whisk34 (QQS, 4234)
36. Run around in freckles 5&2&34, (Rudolph?) rounde on the 62.
(as in, 00:15)
37. Developed right foot, 34
38. rounde  72, Check right foot, 34
39. Step close, small shape. 82
40. Tick Open to pp 34
Phrase V
31. Two walk from pp 1234 ss
32. Close slowly, 2234
33. Two back walk, 3234, ss
34. Reverse turn, 4234,qqs&, &is in wing position
35. Two back walk in wing position, ss
36. Right foot close to left, left foot point out,
37. Step on left foot, swivel, with rounde on right foot
38. Outside swivel,
39. Step on left foot, rounde forward right foot,
40. Close.
41. From pp, walk close, sqq,
42. Reverse turn, qqs,
43. Walk, step side on right , shape my right,
44. Step side, shape my left.
45. Step side, oversway,