Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Standard Lesson with Ikaika on 12/22/2010

Time: 1:15pm.
Attendee: Sharron.

Today is the last lesson with Ikaika before I move to New York. We addressed a few questions that I have

1. Tumble turn to Oversway: My problem was that I was falling out of the right side. He told me to rotate my body around the spine, instead of rotating it as a whole piece. he also told me on the throw away oversway, to get over to the my right foot and sway while turning,

2. An exercise for the hemstring: step up and down, forward and backward the stair, engaging the hemstring muscle.

3. Sway:

4. We also worked on the Watlz open natural step. Not really sure what we are talking about there. But I think we talked about using different body parts, not locking up any joints.

Then we bared farewell, and pretended that I will be back to my lessons soon...

workshop by Luca Barrichi

I attended two work shops by Luca barrichi last week.

The first workshop was held at Premier, with 100+ people attending. He talked about picking a feeling for the dance, and dance it into the dancing. He mentioned that the feeling of foxtrat as hot, sexy.

The second workshop was a small group class at Dance Boulyvard. Here he explained a couple things.
1. the body is not one single piece, it is made of multiple pieces. Feel free. All actions are initiated from the center, where the Qi resides.
2. head is always between the two feet, on balance, and remain there while the body parts shift around. Try putting a finger on top of the head and do the feather step. (i.e., don't let the head fall out of the base)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dance Lesson with Ikaika on 12/15/2010

Attendee: Sharron

We watched the competition video. Then we worked on Foxtrot. Feather step. I think we've worked on this before, but I still don't think I get it. Some random things I remembered.
1. try to let the partner pass me, but block him
2. try to create a crease at the thigh,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Dance Classic 2010 (Las Vegas)

This weekend, I went to the Holiday Dance Classic Competition at Las Vegas. Ikaika and I danced in the Pro/Am Open gold category (Age group A1) single dances, and then The Open Championship Scholarship event (Age group A).

In the single dances, I placed 3rd in Tango, and Foxtrot, 2nd in VW. In the scholarship event, I didn't make it to the final.

Watching the videos, a very obvious problem is that my right side, my right elbow is behind my right shoulder. Another problem I have remembered is that I was almost flying out of the turnings during VW, so I was squeezing really really hard with my left hand to hold on.

score sheet at

Saturday, December 11, 2010

standard lesson with Ikaika on 12/10/2010

Attendee: Sharron

Time: 1:15pm

Today we did rounds mostly. I stil have trouble on quickstep routine, sometimes forgetting the routine, most of the time not fast enough. Basically I need to really really focus to be able to get it right. Foxtrat routine also have glitches at the end where I'm doing a same foot lounge kinda of a thing. This is the last rounds before the competition on Saturady, it is a bit worrisome, but... whatever will be will be I guess. Last year at this competition, I won Bronze scholarship. Now one year later, I've jumped over silver level and made it to Open! This is amazing no matter what. I've basically accomplished all goals that I've set up for myself in this past one year. This weekend, all I'm going to do is to focus, have fun and enjoy myself.

On a different note, Ikaika talked about some very valuable point at this lesson:

1. Visualization. Visualizing myself dancing at the competition, every figure, every step, hair, makeup, lighting, every detail of the dancing. I think this is actually a powerful technique.

2. Focus. Getting into the mood, feel only the music, the floor, the dancing, the partner. Filter everything else out. He said that he know shat it is in me somewhere, I just need to dig it out, get into the mode, at every competition, and every practice! I think this will change many of my mediocre practices into the high quality practices.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Standard Lesson with Ikaika 12/06/2010

Attendee: Sharron

Haven't written here for a while. Today we had a supurb lesson, where we talked about the finer parts of the dancing which interpretates the melody, in addition to the timing. It is an amazing feeling. I think this is the real reason that I like dancing. This is the reason that I spend hours and hours and tens of thousands of dollars trying to achieve. This fleeting feeling of real dancing, communicating.

We actually talked about this in the tango routine.

And this reminds of something else that he has mentioned to me before. To open my senses, to pay full attention to my partner, to read and feel every little detail that he is trying to do, to ask me to do, and respond to that. I think this requires 100% attention from me right now, but it also gives us the chance to communicate in a very deep, refined way. Such level of understanding/communication is intoxicating. The feeling of being able to understand and being understood provides enormous satisfaction. On the metaphoric level, isn't that all one can hope for in a relationship with another human being? To understand and be understood.