Monday, September 27, 2010

Standard Lesson with Ikaika 9/27/2010

Foxtrat Pro/Am Open routine

1. feather SQQ
2. reverse turn SQQ
3. feather finish SQQ
4. three step SQQ
5. natural turn SQQ
6. weave QQQQ
7. Reverse turn (SQQ)
7. check S
8. chasse to Right (SQQS)
9. Weave (QQQQ): 4 steps, 2 down followed by 2 up.
10. 3 step
11. Hover cross (SQQ, QQS)
12. Weave ending (QQQQ), ending backing diagonal center
13. bounce fallaway
14. reverse fallway (RLRL, 2 down followed by 2 up)
15. bounce fallaway
16. weave ending (1 2 3 4)
17 reverse turn (overturned, to end up facing down LOD of short wall)
18. 3 step
19. reverse weave
20. 3 step
21. hair pin(RLRL, 2 down followed by 2 up)
22. same foot lounge (R foot forward, rise, pivot, left foot close, down, right foot back, close position, move weight forward to left foot again, pick up right foot to left knee, kick right foot, head turn to outside?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Standard Lesson with Ikaika on 9/17/2010

Today we started the open Pro/Am routine


1. Natural 1 2 3 (from short wall)
2. running spin turn 1& 2 3.
3. progressive lock 1 & 2 3. Double check on the timing of this one.
4. close telemark (heel turn)
5. run run run (1&2)
6. slip pivot (3)
7. Natural (1 2 3)
8. spin turn (over turned)
9. turning lock to prominade 1 &2 3
10. chasse (1 2 & 3)
11. open something (1 & 2 3)
12. left whisk
13. run around, edning on promenade postion toward corner
14. open natural (1 ,2,3) toe lead on 2.
15. Outside spin (1 2 3 )
16. open natural (1 2 3)
17. outside change (end in promenade position) 1, 2,3 (beginning of short wall)
18. weave (1 2 3)
19 oepn outside chagne (1 2 3 )
20 open natural (LRL)
21 tipple chasse (1 2 &3)
22 challenge line (Timing?)
23 oversway
24 rounde
25. slip pivot without much turn
26. whisk (beginning of long wall again)
27. double lock 1& 2 &3
28. bounce fallaway (1 &2 3) timing?
29. tumble turn
30. hinge
31. same foot lounge
32. somthing like a weave, name?
33. open outside change
32. hover corte
33 close outside change
34 from beginning.

Things to pay attention to in this routine.
1. on all figures (with some exceptions), commence to rise on 2. i.e. starting to rise on the standing foot that leads into the step of 2.
In the running spin turn, this means to rise on AFTER the turn.
In the natural spin turn, this means to rise from the standing leg of 1, when moving from 1 to 2.

2. be aware of where the partner is, inside or outside of the turn. example in the progressive lock, be aware of where the partner is. one way to do this when practicing alone is to hold hands up to represent the partner, and the shaping upper body shoudl be a response to this awareness.

3. need 10 hours of practice on this alone a week. :(

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Embassy Ball

We got 4th place. Not bad, considering it was a big competition with 20+ couples.

Dancing was not bad either. But the competition experience is a little... how do I say, not idea.

1. Dancing part
a. too nervous
b. messed up several places.
c. not connected to the ground.

2. The Competition part
I think I start to detest these dance competitions. Just a world of gossip. need to stay out of it. It is supposed to be a beautiful art, but somehow I feel that people are pretencious and arrangant, not necessarily toward me, but still. It makes me question why I spend my time and money on something ugly. I don't find a sense of belonging in this place. watching the IDSF Grand Slam was good, but also gives despire: I will never be that good, what's the point?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Standard Lesson with Catia on 8/31/2010

1. keep the right hip area to the leader,
2. stretch between the left shoulder and the right hip. Keep on doing that though out, especially at the end of the natural turn as well.
3. In spin turn, don't just turn, move forward instead. Since we have two people dancing together, we can't just turn without moving in space, we need to move around, instead of turn, and this move around is powered from the base, starting from the knee going forward.
4. In quick open reverse, Keep the right hip toward the partner, feel like pressing from the left butt toward the partner. Do the same in tumble turn, keep toward the partner.
5. throwaway over sway:
1. with right foot prepared forward,
2. step on right foot,with left foot closed.
3. stretch and shape

Dance Lesson with Ikaia on 8/30/2010

Continue working on Natural turns.

1. CMB, left shoulder aiming for right foot, but in a vertical way, no tilting. turning around the spine.

2. In leaving for the 1, do not bend the hip back, keep hip forward,