Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Lesson with Giampiero (Tango) 10/29/2011

Time: 9-10:30am 10/29/2011
Location: Starlite, Nutley, NJ.
Attendee: Sharron and Denis

This is the first lesson we are having with Giampiero. We worked on clarify the routine. Then dicussed quite a few technique points.

1. Poise in tango (and apply to other dances as well).  Lady: let the collar bone hang on the vertical line above the foot. Actually I feel the center of gravity of the collar bone shift quite a bit back comparing with what I was used to. This is quite consistent with what Danny and Bill Davis both have mentioned to leave the top back  more.

Once finding that vertical line, remember to relax it, don't hold it up. It's the arm that is up, not the shoulder/shoulder blade. The upper body is relaxed as we dance, it's the lower body, the legs and feet that is moving us around.

This change enables the body to

2. There is no sideway for the lady, always forward and backward: in fall away whisk,  after stepping forward on the left foot, swivel the foot to turn direction, so that the next step can be a backward step.

3. fall away whisk: bend the knee, sit down more. ??? Need to try this a bit and  ask about this part again. 

4. On the reverse pivots/turns, don't open the legs. Keep the legs together, and make the turn on the foot.

5. Prominade:
 a. from reverse turns. eg a five step goes into a PP.  leader turns only the upper body, not the base
 b. from natural turns. leader turns only the lower body, not the top. Like outside change?
 c. from standing position: half half.
 d. The lady should never try to open the hip.
 e. Stepping out of the promenade, lady should step forward as where the foot is pointing. (the foot should be pointing toward the partner). This is similar to what Danny saids that dance forward, means dancing spine toward the partner, because the forward direction is the direction toward the partner.

A couple other tips
2.  Don't follow. Must know the timing, direction, routine myself.
3.  Don't think while dancing. Do the thinking (visualize) ahead of time before starting, once started, just do it, do not think, there is no time, and looks less committed when thinking. 
4. Ignore the partner, don't let him disturb my posture.

Question for next lesson:

1. Clarify a couple places in the last part of the tango routine. finish the rest of the routine.
2. How to do big top and the step before the big top.
3. How to do the link? At times, I feel Denis' link is too regressive, instead of progressive. How is the link done in the routine, is it different from the basic progressive link?