Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Standard Lesson with Ieva 01/19/2011

Time: 10:45am
Location: Ballroom off fifth
Attendee: Sharron

This the second lesson with Ieva, I think I like her teaching.

1. Foot pressure exercise
a. stand on one foot, raise heel of foot, repeat 10 times on each foot.
b. stand on one foot raise heel of standing foot, free leg points out as standing foot lowers. No knee bent though.

2. Apply above foot exercise in a box step.
a, 1,2,3, is the box step. Need to make sure weight on one foot on 3.
b. 4,5,6 lower and point. (do not bent the knee yet).
c. need to make sure to maintain a wide base. do a square box, not a skewed square.
d. Once familiar with the above, do it without stoping, i.e. instead doing the lowering on 4,5,6, do it on & count.

3. Apply above foot exercise in a simple routine
1 2 3. Natural, 4 5 6 lower & point
1 2 3 spin, 4 5 6 lower & point
1 2 3 reverse, 4 5 6 lower & point
1 2 3 reverse, 4 5 6 lower & point
1 2 3 whisk, 4 5 6 lower and point
1 2 &3 chasse,4 5 6 lower and point

4. Apply above foot exercise in the waltz routine.
a. do it counting 4 5 6 for the lower and point
b. once familiar with a, do it counting only & to do the lower and point.
c. make sure to be on one foot on 3.

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