Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Foxtrot Routine

4 bar of prep.
Choreograph has 6 phrases (48 bars) going around 6 wall before repeating. Adding 4 bar of prep. Totally 52 bars. With 28–30 bar/minute as Foxtrot tempo. We should finish the whole routine in between 104-111 seconds.

1st wall (long)
1. feather (1234, SQQ)
2. reverse turn (2234, SQQ)
3. feather finish (3234, SQQ)
4. three step (4234, SQQ)
5. syncopated feather step with a reverse pivot (5234, QQQQ)

2nd wall (short)
6. reverse wave (i.e. back three step, back feather, back three step)
(6234,7234,8234, SQQ,SQQ, SQQ). (Lady: two heel lead on the back three steps)
7. tipple chasse(1234, SQ&Q)
8. spin turn(2234, SQQ)
9. rounde(3234,QQQQ)
10. standing spin(4&2&34)

3rd wall (long)
11. feather step from PP(5234, SQQ)
12. three fallaway with feather ending added after the second fall away.
  a. first fall away(623,QQQ)
  b. second fall away(472, QQQ)
  c. feather ending(34,QQ)
  d. fall away slip pivot( 8234, QQQQ)
13. change of direction(1234, SS)
14. contra check (2234, SQQ)
15. rudolph rounde(32)
16. same foot lounge(34)
17. reverse pivot and close telemark (&4234)
19. throw away oversway (5234)
20. recover to PP (6234), heading toward corner
21. continues hover cross to outside swivel(7234,8234, SQQ,QQS, )
22. wing (1&2), head left.
23. 1 back swivel, another swivel to end PP (34,2234, SSS)

4th wall (short)
25. weave from PP(3234, 4234, SQQ, QQQQ), flat, no rise. Check to make sure the Slow is at the beginning.
26. fall away slip pivot ( 5234, QQQQ,)
27. double reverse overspin( 623&4, QQQ&Q) ? Need to check if this timing is SQ&Q& instead?
28. challenge line  (7234, SS) (Lady: head left on 72, right on 34)
29. Oversway  (8234, SS)

5th wall (long) 
26. split rounde to slip pivot (1234, SQQ)
27. weave ending  (2234, QQQQ)
28. bounce fall away (3234, QQQQ)
29. tumble turn (423&4, QQQ&Q)
30. left whisk (523&4, SQ&Q)
31. 2 swivels (6234, SS)
32. run around (7&2&34), ending with lady's Left foot stepping on the 4 to get into PP.
33, rise and step out from to PP( 8234, SS), heading toward corner.
34. feather from PP. (1234,SQQ )
35. half of a V cross. (22&,QQ&, ) (Lady: head right).
36. reverse impetus (34,QQ)  (Lady: head left on 3, head right on 4. Early rise on 3. early rise by straighten right knee early. Still a heel lead on 3)
37. right foot lounge (3234,SS)
38. Natural wing (4234,SQQ)

6th wall (short)
39. feather (5234, SQQ)
40. chasse to R (623&4,SQ&Q)
41. weave (7234, QQQQ)
42. hover telemark(8234, SQQ)
43. feather,(1234,SQQ) (first step outside partner)
44. repeat from three fallaway.

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