Saturday, January 7, 2012

Standard Lesson with Giampiero

Today we continued on Foxtrot. After we clarified the routine. We got into the topics below

1. Foxtrot Timing: Instead of trying to do SQQSQQSQQ, we try to do SS|&SS|&SS. i.e we change the steps from 2 1 1 measure into 1.5, 2, 0.5 measure. The reason we do this is because we should accelerate when going down, but slow down when rising. In the SQQ scheme, we are slowing in the downward movement but speed up in the rising part. In the new &SS scheme, we drag out the rising part.

2. Posture: what is vertical?  (Forgot his precise answer now). However, he emphasized on the proper alignment of the pelvic bone to establish verticality. Basically after the pelvic bone is properly directly (most likely a very slightly tucked sensation for me). It is then aligned with the center of the thigh. and the chest. This line is directly above center of the foot in Waltz and foxtrot. above ball of the foot in quickstep, and slightly behind center of the foot in tango (not sure if it is as far behind as on the heel though) . This shift depends on the amount of bend in the knee.
 The correctly alignment of the pelvic bone needs to be maintained through out the dance. This is how  it guarantees that the upper body is properly aligned relatively to lower body.

Need to double check the definition of verticality with him next time. Need to verify on the three point of alignment next time.

3. we also talked about timing the moving back of the upper body, the lower of the standing leg, the preparation of the moving leg. They need to be timed in the same way relative to each other.  I seems to have a tendency to leave the upper body forward. so he told me to release my upper body.And they will natually push my standing leg to do the Heel part of the TH movement.  Right now I often skip that. I don't put my heel down.

4. On reverse turn, we talked about the left foot closing step should happen after the heel turn is done, and as soon as I close, I'm ready to go forward, so this is a forward step, not a backward step.  This would make it easier to

5. Use the leg that is ahead of the movement as soon as possible. Feel like a horse dragging the carriage, not pushing the carriage. When going backward, same principle, feel like the foot is like the wheels of the car when driving backward.

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