Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Standard Less with Ikaika on 6/1/2009

1. Waltz,
1) whisk in waltz
a. both should keep upper body toward each other. and keep it that way, only turn the head to prominent.
b. leader's steps are going forward as well as side way, not only sideway.
c. on the chasse step, follower should turn the head back in sync with the foot in before the landing of 2.

2 foxtrat
0) choreography,
reverse turn,
feather finish,
natural turn,
reverse turn (heel turn) with lilting action,
weave with feather finish,
three step

1) heel turn:
a. An excercise to put the baby on the heel to feel the where of the weight of the follower is.
b. Don't rise too much on the heel turn. One should be able to do a heel turn without rising at all.
c. Don't shift weight too early, most of the turn is done on the heel of the first foot.
d. the turn is done through a sway.

2) lilt?
a. up down up down.
b. Don't stay on the check too long, the going down is for going out.

3) natural turn, leader get to the left of the follower. and get down, put the follower's weight on her heel, so that there is enough drive to come out to do the weave.

4) weave

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