Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quickstep Routine

8 phrases (64 bars), 73-77 minutes based on 50–52 bars per minute for quickstep.
90 seconds music should allow 9-10 phrase.

written from lady's perspective

first wall, long
8 count Prep 1234,5678
Runs (step hop chasse)123&4, rocket step 2 runs( 2234)
Repeat runs 3234, 4234
Step hop 52 contra check, 34
2 Jump 62
Kick right foot twice, 3472
Kick left foot once 34
Low kick right, left, right, ending in PP.  Place right foot back on 4. 8234

toward 2nd wall corner, then to second wall
From PP, 2 Step hops: Step hop on L(S&) 12, Step hop on R(S&) 34
Scatter chasse Q&Q to L (q&q&) 2&2 (Is this a scatter chasse kind of chasse with some sort of lowering as apposed to the type of chasse in pepper pot? )
Step hop (S&) 34
Scatter Chasse: Slow &32 Slow &34 Quick & quick 4&2(Is this a scatter chasse kind of chasse with some sort of lowering? )
Step hop (s&) 34 , ending going down line of dance in new long wall.

3rd wall, long
chasse to left (for lady)(q&q&) 5&2&. the last & is a small step back on the right foot.
Pepper pot: Step Hop on L backward outside partner(34, S&), Chasse (q&q) 6&2, lock (qq) 34
Stephop on L, 72
Pepper pot: stephop on R, 34, chasse. (q&q, 8&2), qq(34)

Outside change Sqq 1234
Open Natural, SQQ 2234
Outside spin. SQQ 3234

4th wall, short

Turning lock,QQQQ4234
open natural, SQQ 5234 (this open natural is different from the last one? What direction am I going?)
outside spin again SQQ 6234
Hesitation 7234, 8234 (at the end, up on toes, girl sway right)

5th wall, long 
Side lock (1a2) (left foot lock in the front, sway left)
Hop hop (3 4)
3 Low kicks then a bent kick(2234) (QQQQ)
Hesitation ending with girl sway right 3234 (SS)
Side lock ( 4a2) sway left, two more back steps (34)
Forward lock 523&4 (SQ&Q&?)
Quick open reverse (6234)
close telemark (7234) (SQQ)
left foot pick up (8234) (SS) (82 stepping right foot, 34 pick up  left foot)

2 Samba step. 1234, 2234
recover step, 3234(SS)  32 is stepping back, 34 is bush forward.
Turning lock (ending in PP), 423&4
Open Natrual 5234
running finish, 6234 (Ending backing DW of short wall)
6th wall, short
Tipsy (L,R,L) SQ&Q, Q&Q, Q&Q 723&4, 8&2, 3&4

1 back (for man) locks(1&234, Q&QS)
pepper pot: 2 locks(2&234, Q&QQQ)
running finish (3234, SQQ)
Natural turn (4234, SQQ), lower at the end
Impetus (5234, SQQ), to PP,
check and kick left foot(62&34, S&S),
2 fast kick to the right, 1 slow kick to the left. Twice (7234, 8234, QQS, QQS), ending in PP.

7th wall, long
Fast low side kicks in PP, 1234
Step hop (left foot), step hop(right foot, turn) (S&S&),2234
Chasse (q&q, 3&2) & (a change step on right foot)
Pepper Pot to R: step hop (on left foot)(S&) 34, chasse(Q&Q), cross(QQ)  4&234
Step hop(left) 52, step hop (on right foot) 34, chasse to L(q&q), & (6&2&)
Step hop (left), step hop(right), step hop(left)(34, 72, 34, S&, S&, S&)
Pepper Pot: chasse to R + Rocket step (Q&QQQ), ending PP. (8&234)

Toward the short wall corner that begins 8th wall
Open Natrual (SQQ, 1234),from PP, All forward steps.
running finish (SQQ, 2234), first step forward, next two backward. Can sway right, but not in PP
Open Natrual (SQQ, 3234),
running finish(SQQ, 4234),
Natrual (SQQ, 5234),
Spin (SQQ, 6234) ending in close position facing toward DC on the long line.(Is the spin turn timing SSS?)
Pepper pot: double locks (Q&QQQ, 7&234)
Outside change: (SQQ, 8234)
Repeat from from beginning.

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