Friday, September 23, 2011

Standard Lesson with Ieva on 9/21/2011

August and September just flew by!

This is the second lesson Denis and I had with Ieva. We looked at waltz mostly, then a little bit of VW. It was a great lesson.

1. At last Sunday's lesson, we focused on space. Having a bigger space.
a. Put a dot on foot, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, neck. feeling like the space between each dots are bigger, longer.
b. Thinking of the space around the body, rather than the body itself as a way to renew/maintain the shape. Think as if there are balloons all around.
c. Think of the elbow going where the movement is going.

I asked a couple questions today
2. How to get a bigger shape on the natural turn? Keep in mind there is not much time to finish the shape though, so need to start early. Remember to keep the space big all around. do not sacrifice one part of the space to achieve bigger space on another part. For example, don't shorten the back, keep both side of the neck long (don't short the left side of the neck).

3. Running spin turn:
Don't rise completely to the end, rising after the weight is moved onto the standing foot , second rise gradually.

4. Left Whisk:
Sharron need to remember not to collapse the left side.

5. run around:
On the first step coming out of the left whisk, put right hip down, to change to a sway toward the center of the turn, (while keeping the shape to the left).

6. Promenade position:
Remember to keep the space big, not having head leaning forward into the direction.

7. zigzag: do not shift the frame when turning from PP to close position. Keep the frame (i.e. spine, elbow, arms) moving forward consistently at the same speed.

8. pivots+ spin turn: difference between pivots and spin turn. no rise on pivots? what was she addressing here?

9. Throw away then into a left foot develope: do not close the space when turning around to the develope. Need to move the hip up/forward for the develope.

1. direction: Remember to step the right foot right under partner's spine to ensure that I'm following his direction.

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