Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jive Lesson from Ryan -- 2009/01/08

  1. Flicks
    1. Footwork
      1. (a) Heels up, leg straight.
      2. (1) Heels down, leg straight !!!
      3. (a) Heels up, leg straight.
      4. (2) heels up, legs bend.
    2. Leg Action
      1. (a) prep
      2. (1) strike
      3. (a) rebound
      4. (2) replace weigh
    3. From tailbone to head, slightly shift (tilt?) spine diagonally forward.
    4. on 4.(2), skipping action = place weight on ball of foot, as you straighten your leg, begin to move your spine slightly back.
    5. on the (a) (1) (a) , keep weight over the ball of the standing leg.
  2. Basics
    1. rock step
      1. (a) -- leg action 3: rebound. Footwork(1 or 3): heels up, leg straight.
      2. (1) -- footwork 4: heels up, legs bend, + footwork of a samba whisk.
      3. (a) -- keeping weight on standing leg. Transfer weight from ball to hip. with the same thing as in foot works 3 (Heels up, leg straight). -- not sure what this means....
      4. (2) -- foorwork 4: (i.e. heels up, leg bend). Action = replacing weight. -- need to look through this again.
      5. (a) -- skipping
    2. chasse
      1. (1) -- side step. weight over moving leg, heel up, standing leg heel down?
      2. (a) -- drag standing leg in (same foot)
      3. (2) -- same as 1 above.
      4. (a) -- skipping.
  3. Change Places (Right to Left) (Left to Right)
    1. Same action of a chasse except that as the skipping action is created my upper body moves into(L to R) or away(R to L) from standing leg.
  4. Exercise
    1. Flicks: practice footwork and leg action separately ant then together.
    2. Basics: practice rock step and chasse as separate element then together.
    3. Change places: progress from 1/4 to full turn, then back to 1/4 again for both right and left turns.

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