Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rumba Group class with Ryan -- 12/08/2008

Sliding door -- hip twist
  1. hip twist started with the weight lifted.
  2. the position at the end of the hip twist
    1. Left foot face left 45' to 90' degree to indicate the direction of the next step.
    2. Right root and knew is facing front.
    3. left hip tries to open the the back. This crests a large triangle on the right leg to show the lines.
  3. The step after the hip twist.
    1. straighten knee, extend right foot, settling
    2. get on to right foot, heel remained up.
    3. settle right hip to get onto left foot
    4. This step is a delayed step. The weight does not move to the right leg until the & after 1. So the heal of the right step never put weight on the ground
    5. two options after hip twist: cucuracha or forward turn. Cucuracha would be split weight. forward turn would commit the weight to the left foot. the direction of the step is a matter of choice. It can be diagonal or sideway.

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